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2 posts published in May 2014

What Defines a Leader?

May 12, 2014

I've been following a discussion in one of my LinkedIn groups that I recall began with someone asking for comments regarding what characteristics define a leader.  To me, the comments are fascinating and enlightening... and in some instances too complicated.  Leadership is not easy, but I believe it is simple... well, if not simple, certainly it is straightforward. Thinking back on great leaders in all walks of life, these qualities come to mind.

GOOD JUDGMENT. Admittedly a bit difficult to...

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Puzzles, Problems and Persistence

May 31, 2014

I love puzzles.  One of the most challenging puzzles on which I worked is called "Little Red Riding Hood's Hood".  Yes, you guessed it, it is completely red, and to make it even more difficult, it is round. Diabolical. Any puzzle fan worth his salt knows that fundamental puzzle-solving theory is based on starting with the corners, so here we are, faced with a round sea of red, not even a tone-on-tone or a gradient in sight to show us the way.  

What a wonderful, enticing challenge: a puzzle...

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