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2 posts published in September 2015

After the Interview: Thank-you Notes

September 7, 2015

The custom of sending a thank-you note following an interview continues to be the subject of some debate. A candidate recently mentioned that his friend told him sending a thank-you note after a second round of interviews would make him seem desperate. I disagree. Sending such a note is a good move and can help you remain top of mind during an extended interviewing process.

When I interview a candidate, regardless of the position or the level, I expect that we both are serious about...

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Networking On The Job

September 20, 2015

You had a positive mid-year performance review with your manager. You have also been in a fair number of career conversations with him (or so you thought) and you clearly let him know (or so you thought) that although you really love your job and enjoy working on his team, you are ready and able to take on greater responsibility and would like to explore some other avenues for adding value to the organization. He said all the right things and made all the right noises when you were talking,...

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